2024-2025 Investment Application and Documents - CYCLE IS CLOSED
Application Budget Guidelines:
- No more that 20% Indirect Cost (Admin).
- No more that 3 years funding for the same position.
- Any new positions funded will be on a reimbursement basis once hiring process is complete.
- No funding for an increase in dollars and decrease in number of people served.
Login instructions
Please watch our instructional video on setting up an account and submitting your application.
All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application. Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission. Also this user name and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications.
- LOGIN HERE (If you already have a user name and password)
- CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - Recommend using your Agency Name as your User Name - watch for an email to set your password, check spam)
- RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
- LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.
Be sure to click "SAVE DRAFT" frequently, you will be able to return and work on the application as time permits. Be sure to click "SUBMIT" when completed, you will not be able to access completed submission, but you will be sent a copy of your submission.
Funding Agreement
Evaluation Tool
Community Impact Fund (FUNDS ARE LIMITED) - If your agency is interested in applying for the Community Impact Fund, please call 740-454-6872 and ask for Katie Grubbs, the Community Impact Coordinator. Katie will go over the Community Impact Fund criteria, if your project qualifies, she will send you the application.
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